Teleconsultations in Orthopaedics- The Patient Perspective
COVID-19 presents challenges in ensuring gold standard patient care in hospital settings. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of telephone consultations as a modality for delivery of orthopaedic outpatient clinics, as measured by levels of patient satisfaction. Methods N = 100 orthopaedic trauma patients who received a teleconsultation were retrospectively surveyed.
Achilles' tendon rupture dancing the ‘Jerusalema’ – A case series
Introduction and importance The weekend warrior has long been prey to musculoskeletal injuries as a result of intermittent, high intensity activity. The Achilles tendon is known to be particularly vulnerable in this population cohort but during the COVID-19 lockdowns in Ireland and all over the world there has been a certain level of detraining and deconditioning among all age groups and populations.
A Portable Hip Arthroscopy Simulator Demonstrates Good Face and Content Validity with Incomplete Construct Validity
We evaluate the face, content, and construct validity of a portable hip arthroscopy module in a regional orthopaedic unit.
Injuries associated with arm wrestling: A narrative review
Arm wrestling is common sport amongst amateur enthusiasts. Multiple injuries are described as a result of the sport. The authors present a narrative review of the common injuries associated with the sport.
Evaluating the Use of Immersive Virtual Reality Simulation in Orthopaedic Trauma Cases; A Construct Reality Study
Introduction Changing surgical training models as a result of reduced working hours, shorter schemes and the recent pandemic has resulted in reduced operative hours being logged by trainees. Novel and validated training methods are needed to rectify the deficit faced by surgical trainees, to maintain continued development and retention of skill throughout their training scheme.
Virtual reality operative simulation in orthopaedic surgical training during periods of restricted clinical hours: systematic review
The Virtual Fracture Clinic (VFC) has proved benefi-cial in reducing footfall within the hospital setting, improving thecost of running a trauma service, while satisfying the majority ofreferred patients. The mandatory upscaling of telemedicine use,specifically the enhancement of the VFC, amidst the COVID-19pandemic, was analyzed.
An audit of the clinical significance of full blood count day one post op after total joint arthroplasty
Post-operative full blood counts (FBC) after total joint arthroplasty is standard practice in our institution. Efforts to minimise intraoperative blood loss using tranexamic acid have been remarkably successful.
Virtual reality simulation in orthopaedic surgical training during periods of restricted clinical hours: a systematic review
A number of pedagogical methods have been described inthe formalization of surgical training and acquisition ofoperative skills, including Peyton’s four-step approach andthe Halstedian technique. These methods have a prere-quisite of exposure to theatre and are predicated mainly onthe actual operative caseload experienced by the trainee.
Bilateral Mechanically-Assisted Crevice Corrosion Resulting in Femoral Stem-Head Dissociation in Metal-on-Polyethylene Total Hip Arthroplasty
MACC and ALTR in MoP hip replacements represent 2 potential emerging problems. Having a case where the same patient underwent almost identical surgeries bilaterally controls for a number of variables implicated in mechanically-assisted crevice corrosion. We propose the reason for gross trunnion failure in this case is related to the femoral head size, offset, and implant system selected.
The Clinical Significance of Full Blood Count Day 1 Post-op After Total Joint Arthroplasty
Post-operative full blood counts (FBC) after unilateral total joint arthroplasty are standard practice in our institution. Currentmedications and surgical techniques have been successful in reducing blood loss during surgery. Consequently, standard post-operative protocol of phlebotomising patients to check haemoglobin (Hb) levels in the setting of normal vital signs may beconsidered anachronistic.
Hip fracture care during Covid-19: a regional trauma centre’s experience
IntroductionThe Covid-19 pandemic has caused worldwide upheaval from early 2020. Trauma and orthopaedic services are no different. A fundamentally important and significant portion of trauma services is the treatment of fragility fractures of the proximal femur, otherwise known as hip fractures.
Challenges faced by Orthopaedic Trainees during the Covid-19 Pandemic – An Irish Perspective
Background The recent SARS-CoV2/COVID-19 pandemic has caused a change in most aspects of our daily lives. Our health systems have had to adjust at an unprecedented rate to accommodate care for patients affected by the virus. As a result there has been widespread disruption to trauma and elective services throughout the Orthopaedic community Worldwide. We discuss the changes facing orthopaedic residents in training and the adaptations that have been made.
Upscaling Virtual Fracture Clinic Use Is a Safe, Effective Measure in the Delivery of Trauma Care
The Virtual Fracture Clinic (VFC) has proved benefi-cial in reducing footfall within the hospital setting, improving thecost of running a trauma service, while satisfying the majority ofreferred patients. The mandatory upscaling of telemedicine use,specifically the enhancement of the VFC, amidst the COVID-19pandemic, was analyzed.
Intraosseous schwannoma of the femur in a patient with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
Introduction Schwannomas are slow-growing, benign tumours normally originating from the schwann cells of the nerve sheath. Intraosseous schwannoma accounts for 0.175% of primary bone tumours and extremely rare especially outside the axial skeleton. Monoclonal gammopathy has been associated with soft tissue schwannomas but never with the intraosseous variety.
Orthopaedic care changes since the B.C. (Before COVID-19) time period
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges to health systems, both globally and domestically, and within the Irish healthcare system itself. Since the WHO declared the COVID-19 pandemic on 11th March 2020, the Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery Department in Midlands Regional
Hospital Tullamore, Co Ofaly, has introduced practice modifcations so as to ensure a safe working environment, whilst maintaining care standards for our patients and the wider community.
Virtualised care and COVID-19
Following the declaration by the World Health Organization (WHO) of the Covid-19 pandemic on March 11, 2020, health organisations and staff have had to adapt and restructure services in order to respond to this global health emergency. Numerous containment strategies have been, and continue to be, introduced in this rapidly evolving and fluid situation with a significant shift towards virtual or remote patient assessment.
Novel Ways to Save the Foot in Malignant Melanoma
The incidence of malignant melanoma is increasing rapidly. Following clinical diagnosis, excisional biopsy is performed to confirm the diagnosis. Wide local excision down to the deep fascia must be performed in order to completely remove the melanoma. Large plantar soft tissue defects are often a consequence of resection for oncological purposes.
Deltoid Ligament Reconstruction: Clinical Outcomes
Deltoid Ligament Reconstruction: Clinical Outcomes. The Deltoid ligament is a primary ligamentous stabilizer of the ankle joint. Deltoid ligament insufficiency has been demonstrated to decrease tibiotalar contact area by around 43%. The authors report on their clinical outcomes of repairing deltoid ligament in the acute and chronic settings.
Retrospective analysis of 5 years results of first metatarsophalangeal joint arthroplasty, Single surgeonseries.
First Metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) osteoarthritis is a common forefoot disease. It leads to joint surface destruction and erosions limiting function and causing pain. The disease can be classified to mobile and non mobile or traumatic and atraumatic disease. The gold standard for treatment of stage III and IV remains MTPJ arthrodesis.